



coussinet nom masculin, naissant verbe, porteuses adjectif ou adverbe

Termes proches de bearing

ball bearing, bearing block, was bearing, were bearing

Texte à propos de bearing

En anglais : R-r is also developing the shaft-driven lift fan, three-bearing swivel nozzle and roll posts that comprise the stovl lift system. Design refined.

En français : Rolls-royce développe aussi le rotor de sustentation commandé par arbre, les trois tuyères en pivot et les "roll posts" qui comprennent le système ascensoriel stovl. Conception épurée. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de bearing

This was followed by the roller bearing, in which the sleeve was replaced by a ... The first practical caged-roller bearing was invented in the mid-1740s by ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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