being able to

being able to

Being able to

being able to

pouvant verbe

Termes proches de being able to

was being able to, were being able to

Texte à propos de being able to

En anglais : We will clearly need to improve the throughput of the application. To give you a rough idea, we should be aiming at being able to accommodate twice the current load with little or no impact on users experience.

En français : Nous devrons clairement améliorer le débit de l'application. Pour vous donner une idée approximative, nous devrions viser à être capable d'héberger deux fois la charge courante avec un impact léger voire sans impact, sur la pratique / l'apprentissage des utilisateurs. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de being able to

To stop a burning building, for example, Superman could use his freeze breath and risk not being able to save all of the civilian casualties in time, ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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