



entrant verbe

Termes proches de entering

re-entering, was entering, was re-entering, were entering, were re-entering

Texte à propos de entering

En anglais : Fleming was a company responsible for assisting new immigrants entering the state of bloomland. One of its responsibilities was to report certain information ,such as dates of arrival and departure.

En français : Fleming était une compagnie qui était responsable d'aider les nouveaux immigrants de l'état de bloomland. Une de ses responsabilités était de rapporter certaines informations, telles que les dates d'arrivée et de départ. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de entering

In modern times, the entering tone has disappeared from most of the dialects ... From a phonetic perspective, the entering tone is simply a syllable ending ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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