



extrait adjectif ou adverbe, extrait verbe, extraite verbe, extraites verbe, extraits verbe

Texte à propos de extracted

En anglais : It had been reckoned that during the reign of stanislas (1737-66) france extracted from lorraine a net profit of a least one hundred millions livres

En français : On avait supposé/considéré que pendant le règne de stanislas (1737-66) la france avait soutiré de la lorraine un bénéfice net d'au moins cent millions de livres (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de extracted

An extracted 3rd molar that was horizontally impacted. An extracted 3rd molar that was horizontally impacted. Extractions are often categorized as "simple" ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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