



chevalier nom masculin

Texte à propos de knight

En anglais : Arthur was devastated by the treachery of his beoved wife and his favourite knight. He put his cousin mordred in charge of his kingdon and left for france when mordred rebelled arthur had to return to england. He fought mordred and killed him,

En français : Arthur était accablé par la traîtrise de sa tendre épouse et de son chevalier favori. Il plaça son cousin mordred à la tête du royaume et partit pour la france quand mordred se rebella arthur du rentrer en angleterre il combattit mordred et le tua (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de knight

Knight is the English term for a social position originating in the Middle Ages. ... This was to uphold the knight’s code Chivalry that promoted generosity, ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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