



plate-forme nom féminin

Texte à propos de platform

En anglais : Looking over her shoulder, piya spotted a tea-seller patrolling the platform. Reaching through the bars, she summoned him with a wave. She had never cared for the kind of " chai" sold in seattle, her hometown, but somehow,

En français : Ragardant par-dessus son épaule, piya vit un vendeur de thé qui patrouillait la plateforme. Passant sa main au-travers des barreaux, elle le salua. Elle n'avait jamais porté attention au 'chai' qui se vendait à seattle, sa ville natale, mais (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de platform

In relation to hardware, platform often describes the set of hardware components that make ... Pure assembly language can be run on this hardware platform, ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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