



punissant verbe

Termes proches de punishing

was punishing, were punishing

Texte à propos de punishing

En anglais : We need to define the idea of "holding accountable". As far as I can see, this can mean one of three things. B may dismiss a without punishing him further, punish him while retainning him as his agent, or dismiss him with additional punishment.

En français : Nous devons définir l'idée de "tenue pour responsable". D'après moi cela signifie une des trois choses suivantes: b peut renvoyer a sans plus de sanction, b peut punir/sanctionner a tout en le gardant comme son agent ou le renvoyer avec une sanction supplémentaire. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de punishing

Colloquial use of to punish for "to inflict heavy damage or loss" is first recorded in 1801, originally in boxing; for punishing as "hard-hitting" is from ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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