



visite verbe

Texte à propos de visits

En anglais : After a successful operation on his heart, george's father undergoes surgery for his cancer, thatcher grey visits seattle grace in order to see his new granddaughter, and meredith discovers that derek has trouble sleeping soundly.

En français : Après le succès de son opération du cœur, le père de george subit une chirurgie pour traiter son cancer, thatcher grey se rendit à seattle grace afin de rendre visite à sa nouvelle petite-fille, et meredith découvre que derek a du mal à dormir profondément. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de visits

State visits are the highest form of diplomatic contact between two states, ... In practice most state visits lead to inter-state investment and a growth in ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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