was dying

was dying

Was dying

was dying

mourais verbe, mourait verbe, teignais verbe, teignait verbe

Texte à propos de was dying

En anglais : It makes you wonder what all your problems were ever about in the first place. When he was dying I was holding his hand and said, 'we love you. ' I really wanted to say 'I love you, ' but he smiled, because I think he understood what I meant.

En français : Ça vous fait réfléchir à l'origine de vos problèmes. Lorsqu'il était en train de mourir, je tenais sa main et j'ai dit: 'nous t'aimons. ' Je voulais vraiment lui dire: 'je t'aime. ' Mais il a souri car il a compris ce que je voulais dire. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de was dying

it constituted the last words of a person who was dying or thought he was dying, and; that person was aware that he or she was dying, and; that person made ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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