was expecting

was expecting

Was expecting

was expecting

espérais verbe, espérait verbe

Texte à propos de was expecting

En anglais : The real surprise was lucentis, whose sales literally took off in q3 (after launch on june 30, 2006), with sales of $153 m, although the market was expecting $32 m. Note that this excellent performance must have been achieved at the expense of ...

En français : La vrai surprise fut lucentis, dont les ventes (ou le ca) ont litérallement décollé au troisième trimestre (après le lancement du 30 juin 2006) avec un chifre d'affaires de 153m$, alors que le marché attendait 32m$. Remarquez que cette excellente performance a du être réalisée au détriment de .... (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de was expecting

Having interpreted that the flashing Yellows meant that the route all the way over the junction to Stoke was clear, he was expecting this signal to clear as ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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