was doing

was doing

Was doing

was doing

faisais verbe, faisait verbe

Texte à propos de was doing

En anglais : Basically, what I was told really killed her was an overdose, she was doing drugs on her own free will before, and it was just a party and everything was fine until she started mouthing off.

En français : Au fond, à ce qu'on m'a dit, ce qui l'a vraiment tuée c'ést une overdose, elle prenait de la drogue de son plein gré auparavant, et c'était juste une soirée et tout allait bien jusqu'à ce qu'elle fasse un esclandre (se montre insolente et profére des grossièretés). (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de was doing

The teacher called on the student and asked him what he was doing. ... Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: "You cannot fix a machine ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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