as soon as

as soon as

As soon as

as soon as

dès que préposition et autre

Texte à propos de as soon as

En anglais : This letter is intended to serve as a preliminary notification about the meeting to all concerned. We shall be serving you with further details about the meeting as soon as the anep budgeteray allocations for 2007 are secured.

En français : Nous faisons parvenir ce courrier à tous les destinataires concernés afin de vous notifier à l’avance de cette réunion. Nous vous ferons parvenir de plus amples informations sur cette réunion ultérieurement, ceci dès que le budget de l’anep pour 2007 sera défini. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de as soon as

"as the Night, having aided the robbers, is banished from the sky, and goes about collecting the faggots of twilight"; "as soon as the Sun opened his bank ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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