



hydrogené adjectif ou adverbe

Texte à propos de hydrogenated

En anglais : Malted barley flour, niacin, ,reduced iron, thiamine, rigoflavin, partially hydrogenated oil, corn syrop, maltodextrin, tonula yeast, tamarind, cawhey, canola oil, whey, nonfat milk,

En français : Farine d'orge malté, niacine, fer, thiamine, rigoflavin, huile partiellement hydrogéné, sirop de maïs, maltodextrine, levure de tonula, tamarin, cawhey, huile de canola, petit-lait, lait écrémé (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de hydrogenated

Since partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are cheaper than animal source fats, they are available in a wide range of consistencies, and have other ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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