



avocat nom masculin, juriste nom masculin

Texte à propos de lawyer

En anglais : What's happened is pompano red has disappeared, and that's what's holding everything up. But I'm going to take care of it anyway. The big thing we have to offer the person in new jersey state prison who knows amy is in my services as a lawyer

En français : Ce qui se passe c'est que p. R. A disparu et que tout est suspendu a ca. Mais je vais m'en occuper de toute facon. La chose importante que nous pouvons offrir a la personne de la prison d'etat du new jersey qui connait amy est mon aide comme avocat. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de lawyer

In this novel, Grisham examines the rights of the homeless on the streets of Washington D.C. His vehicle is Michael Brock, a high-priced antitrust lawyer at ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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