



épaule nom féminin

Texte à propos de shoulder

En anglais : Looking over her shoulder, piya spotted a tea-seller patrolling the platform. Reaching through the bars, she summoned him with a wave. She had never cared for the kind of " chai" sold in seattle, her hometown, but somehow,

En français : Ragardant par-dessus son épaule, piya vit un vendeur de thé qui patrouillait la plateforme. Passant sa main au-travers des barreaux, elle le salua. Elle n'avait jamais porté attention au 'chai' qui se vendait à seattle, sa ville natale, mais (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de shoulder

In human anatomy, the shoulder comprises the part of the body where the arm attaches to the torso. It is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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