



prîmes verbe, prirent verbe, prit verbe

Texte à propos de took

En anglais : Claire left to her work at 8 o'clock in the morning . She took a bus to her office .She left her office at 7:45, but the bus came late . She returned her house late. She phoned her friend to find that she had a broken arm .

En français : Claire est partie travailler à 8h du matin, elle a pris le bus jusqu'au bureau . Elle quite ensuite le bureau vers 19h45, mais le bus arrive tard, elle rentre donc tard chez elle . Elle téléphone à son amie qui lui annonce qu'elle a un bras cassé. (Crédit : Sylang)

Exemple d'usage de took

The release took place just minutes after Ronald Reagan was officially sworn in as ... In the days before Reagan took office, Algerian diplomat Abdulkarim ... (Crédit : Wikipedia)

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